If you’ve been following me for a while then you know that I like to harp on the value of hard work (and berate people for not working hard enough).
The reason for this is simple: You can’t succeed if you’re lazy. What makes you think that you deserve to make money if you’re slacking off and a competitor isn’t?
But sometimes it’s useful to realize just how easy it is to make money in modern times. At the end of the day, the business that you’re running exists entirely on a screen.
You don’t have to do any real work.
At least not in the way that people used to not that long ago…
What people used to go through
If you were alive in a different era in history and you wanted to build up a business from nothing then there was no way around it: you had to work.
Really work.
Imagine that you were born in the 1800’s and wanted to start a business from scratch. What would you do?