I’m sure you’ve noticed that Google and Reddit are butt buddies right now.
Most queries have at least one Reddit result on the first page, taking up valuable real estate that used to be occupied by legitimate (using that term loosely here) websites.
SEOs everywhere are spazzing out and complaining about how much harder it is to get on the first page.
First of all: complaining is pointless. Do you really think Google cares about you? They hate SEOs. Complaining just makes it more likely that the change will stick.
Everyone is so busy whining that they aren’t noticing the golden opportunity that’s sitting right in front of their faces.
Google just gave us all a gift on a silver platter. All you have to do is reach out and grab it.
Here’s how to to use Google’s new Reddit preference to drive affiliate sales and traffic back to your website, all while sending valuable social signals to Big G.