Most people who start websites are intelligent.
I’m not saying that to boost your ego.
The reason why I’m pointing it out is because I want to bring attention to a flaw that most intelligent people have: assuming that everyone else is just as smart as they are.
I promise you that they aren’t.
If you don’t believe me, then take a trip to your local WalMart. See all those obese people waddling around with glazed over dead cow eyes? Those people are visiting your website too. And they vastly outnumber the rest of us.
These people are used to the entire world catering to their lack of intellect. You need to give them what they’re accustomed to if you want your site to be successful. If you don’t, then they’re going to bounce as soon as they have to use their brain for even a fraction of a second.
I guarantee that you’ll be disappointed any time you naively assume that average people are going to be intelligent. It sucks but it’s just the way it is.
Here’s how you can dumb things down on your site so it’ll be more successful.