You build a business because you want to escape from the normal working world. Then one day you look up and realize that you traded in the 9-5 grind for the 9-8 grind (or even longer).
It’s a common trap. But there’s nothing inevitable about it.
The problem is that you physically left the workforce but the workforce didn’t leave you.
The concept of performative signaling is so ingrained in your psyche that you do it even when there’s no longer anyone looking at you.
Work for work’s sake might make you look good in front of your boss in Corporate America. But when you ARE the boss it’s pointless.
Working effectively is more important than working hard. And it’s definitely more important than just putting in hours for no reason.
It’s a difficult mindset shift you need to make when your business starts taking off. You don’t need to grind it out anymore. There’s no one you need to impress.
Work ON your business (not IN it)
You can (and should) outsource any and all mundane drudgery.