At the end of the day if you want to make money as an affiliate marketer you need to get people to click on your affiliate links.
All the advice I provide on this Substack is designed to optimize your site for one ultimate goal: More traffic flowing to the pages that make you money.
In today’s guide I teach you about the different types of money posts you need to have on your site.
Different types of money posts
A money post is an article on your Authority Site that includes affiliate links. The sole goal of a money post is to get your visitors to convert by clicking on them.
The three main types of money posts are:
Best-of list
Individual product review
Product comparison
You need a mix of all three along with informational posts to show Google that you’re a topical authority in your niche.
Let’s start with best-of lists before moving on to comparisons and individual product reviews. I’ll finish the article by talking about a rare type of money post that you can rank with essentially zero competition.