Why Building a Business Will Improve Your Life
Living life as a consumer is making you miserable
If you’re reading this then you probably have the feeling that there’s something missing from your life, but you don’t quite know what it is.
You’re not alone. I’d say that it’s more common than not to have a pervasive feeling of emptiness that permeates your entire life. Modern society tells you that the answer is to consume more: watch more entertainment, take pharmaceutical drugs, shop till you drop, etc.
I’m here to tell you that there’s another way.
Building something is the cure to all your problems
Most of the neuroses of the modern world stem from choosing to be a consumer in all aspects of your life.
You consume the shitty food that’s shoved in your face by advertisers all day. You obsess over the latest Current Thing that the social media algorithm decided to show you. You waste countless hours reading about celebrities who couldn’t care less if you lived or died because they don’t even know that you exist.
None of these activities are doing anything to improve your life. In fact, they’re doing the opposite.
They’re robbing you of the very thing that makes you human.
You aren’t meant to be an empty vessel who sits around all day trying to be “filled up” by something that exists outside of yourself. The thing that makes you human is your ability to envision something in your mind and then bring it into existence through sheer force of will.
Creation is what makes us human. Scratch that. It’s what makes us more than human.