Almost everyone who owns an affiliate or e-commerce site starts out as a solopreneur. For the most part, this isn’t a choice. It’s a necessary phase that you have to go through in the early days.
But there comes a point where you reach a fork in the road. One path leads to growth. The other leads to death (of your business).
The growth path involves spending more money and taking on more responsibility. The death path consists of scrimping and saving every single penny you earn while doing everything yourself.
There are only two options and you have to pick one.
Stop lying to yourself
“No one can do it like I can”.
You might think that this is a unique thought that you generated on your own, something that no one else in the world has ever come up with.
I promise you that it isn’t.
In fact, it’s the opposite. Rather than being a one-of-a-kind opinion that only applies to your “unique” situation, it’s actually a phase that every single entrepreneur goes through at some point in their life (most commonly at the $5k/month level).
It’s very easy to build up a business by yourself in the early days. Even if it wasn’t, you most likely had no choice. You were either broke as a joke or you had the money but didn’t know what to do with it.
But there comes a point where the complexity of your business is too much for one person to handle.
If you’re at this point then you have two choices: you can either become a digital nomad and live your best life traveling around the world on $5k/month, scrimping and saving and living only for yourself.
Or you can get serious and start hiring/outsourcing so you can really grow.
The vast majority choose option #1. It sounds appealing to the residual normie that lives inside all of us. You can bask in the likes on Instagram. Your friends still living in the fucked-up small town you came from will be jealous beyond belief. But is it really worth it?