There’s a pandemic of “reasonableness” in our society.
From birth you’ve been brainwashed to pursue “realistic” goals at the expense of your actual dreams. Any natural ambition that you have is ruthlessly crushed out of you by high school guidance counselors, the mass media, and your uninspiring friends and family.
The message you’re receiving from society is completely wrong (as with most things). Being realistic and reasonable is destroying your life and preventing you from becoming who you could be.
Do you really want it?
Listen up: most people in the WiFi money game aren’t really going for it. The majority of site owners have a day job. They treat their side business as a weird lottery ticket/daydream combo. Their site is just something that they use to trick themselves into thinking that they’ll one day “make it”, when in reality they have nothing more to look forward to in life than decades of cubicle-work drudgery.
If you can relate to the above paragraph in any way then I can tell you right now that there’s not a chance in hell that you’re going to make it.
When have you ever heard a successful entrepreneur (or someone who made it in any field) say “The REAL key to my success was half-assing everything and wishing for the best.”?
The idea is laughable.
You may think that what I’m saying doesn’t apply to you. That you really do “want to create a successful business”.
Deep down inside you know that’s bullshit.