Dec 19, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra


If Google is already smacking down on AI produced content, how likely do you think they'll smack down sites with AI produced text-to-speech produced audio? Would hate to shell out for Murf.ai et al only to have it get the site penalised.

Also AI inference not being free is technically true, but remember neither is Googling something. Both have infrastructure / bandwidth costs etc, it's just that AI is about 10x more right now. That will change unbelievably quickly though. Costs to train NN reduces by 100x every ~2 years. By 2025 AI will be right near 100% of the time AND likely be cheaper than traditional Googling infra costs. AI also has the added benefit that it can be done on device, which means those infra costs get born by the user reducing costs even more. This requires the AI model to be sufficiently small and streamlined enough but again, just wait 1-2 years and the pace of advancement does that for you. Fun times ahead, Google 100% needs more competition.

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Lol if the content is created by you they don't care if the audio is text-to-speech you don't have anything to worry about

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Follow up Q... does Google seem to care about Feature Images (or other images inside the content) being created by AI like Stable Diffusion / MidJourney / DALLE.2 etc?

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Nah it should be fine.

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Do legitimate links from exchanging with another site devalue the power of that link?

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Good convo but hold up. Just got an email. SEO expert says he'll optimize my meta tags for $500. Thinking about it... has some great reviews on Fiverrrrr

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And? Would you say the Fiverr guy for a second look?

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Lol. Would you share the Fiverr account. :)

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OH! Lol! I made it up... sorry ;)

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Oh ffs. :)

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I’ve been using Dall-e for images. Do

You think there is a risk for AÍ images?

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He replied above. Nah. However there may be attempts by scummy lawyers to go after you. I’ve read there is a trend but don’t know much about it now to worry about it.

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Great content! A bit off topic, but would really appreciate your perspective. Do you think Alphabet is a good stock to own over the next decade?

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I'm def the wrong guy to ask about investing advice.

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Google needs sites to exist so they can keep displaying ads (their main source of revenue).

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