Apr 15, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Do you find one suitable company and build an entire site around that niche or look for several suitable offers (since the site would be comparing multiple products/services)?

Got approved for impact and shareasale with a dummy site I had (6 articles).

First time looking at affiliate networks and I'm having trouble deciding on the main topic.

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The latter. You're going to be promoting a lot of different brands, but they need to be in the same niche (not random products from random niches like Wirecutter does, that doesn't work anymore)

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Thanks! Other than minimum $50 per sale. What else do you look for in Impact? Is there a min EPC (since they don't always provide per $ sale numbers) or anything else?

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Honestly no. Once you have a niche you want to write articles based on search volume and keyword difficulty as well as topical authority. Even if a brand is part of a shitty affiliate program, if it has a high SV and low KD you should write about it.

When doing best-of lists, then you want to focus on brands that pay the highest commission rate. For those top products you'll eventually find a couple that convert the most, those should the highest position on any relevant lists in the future.

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Sep 13, 2021Liked by BowTiedTetra

I know you say to use the affilaite networks to pick your niche, but my application to shareAsale got denied and they stated one of the reasons being the site was not up and operational. Should I just publish my wordpress site even though I dont have any content yet ?

Exact comment from ShareAsale:

Generally, our membership team looks for the following qualities in a site*:

Quality Site Design

Top-Level-Domain (i.e., www.yourdomainname.com) (not required but recommended)

Prospective ability of your site to drive traffic to our Merchants

No illegal activity, porn, hate, etc... on your site, or on sites that you link to

Your site also must be up and operational (viewable) in order for us to approve you

*Please note that this list is not exhaustive and other factors may influence our decision.

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Yes you're right. I've had an account with the networks for years and didn't realize that they changed the policy at some point. I'll remove that part of the article.

You can read my article about choosing a niche for more info: https://bowtiedtetra.substack.com/p/how-to-choose-your-first-affiliate

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Sep 8, 2021Liked by BowTiedTetra

What do you think about CopyAI?

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I don't have experience with it. It seems similar to Jarvis.AI, which I use regularly. If it works the same then it's definitely worth using. You'll still have to edit the content a little bit, but it can save a lot of time and can help jog your creativity if you can't think of anything to write.

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