>If someone visits the same site repeatedly, that site will show up at the top of the user’s own personalized SERPs.

The death knell for keyword-only sites. If someone clicks on you once and never revisits because your writing is trash? It's over

>Maps (local SEO data goldmine)

local/service biz SEO would be a great article

I'm building a local/online service biz (web design/dev) and working through the SEO now. KW researched informational articles, KW researched service subpages, etc. Still not seeing a lot of traffic, though. GSC says 8.7k impressions, 46 clicks last 3 months. Site went up ~7 months ago, posting consistently ~2 mo

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Seconded on the local/service biz article suggestion 🤙🏻

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Thanks, Tetra.

This further helps a lot to focus on genuine content and not get swayed by the bs of AI and cheap, regurgitated content.

Authenticity, however dim it is in this world, still matters at the end of the day.

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They are this super smart? Wow. No wonder they're the Giants of our time

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