This is a super interesting article. Thank you for your detailed and helpful research.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Great article as always, Tetra. WiFi money and self-sustainance is the way

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Tetra, this is great info -- I hope your readers appreciate the broader economic relevance of what you've explained. Core sales came in today above all expectations, which adds to your argument about the pre-inflation lifestyle. On the surface, it looks like most of the savings at the gas pump were spent on "stuff," so we'll see how long the consumer can hang on. Consumer loans (credit cards, for example) levels are up nearly 17% on the year, and while the average US consumer is "ok" from a debt service-to-disposable income ratio perspective, the rate of change (up; as in, folks are spending more and more servicing their debt) is the highest in the history of the data series.

Cool story, but so what? I would wager search trends are far more real-time than lagging economic indicators... and when combined, the data seems to very much support your thoughts and the notion that the crisis will begin on main street and work to wall street, versus the other way around (like 2007/8).

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Excellent article Tetra. I’m progressively entering the matrix thx to you.

Limiting my education to 1 month (2 days in) + 1 week for preliminar SOPs and then swimming with the sharks no matter what. As you rightfully mentioned, analysis paralysis is the #1 failure rootcause.

1 question regarding the tech apparatus you recommend (did not find an article about it, sorry if it’s already explained): bluehost for hosting and content, correct ?

Any basic integrations you recommend to add on top of this basic setup when starting from scratch ?

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For hosting Bluehost or Namecheap are good for starting out. Kinsta is much better but more expensive.

Not sure what you mean by "for content".

I have a list of tools I use here: https://bowtiedtetra.substack.com/p/important-seo-tools-that-you-need

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Thank you!

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