Apr 15, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

What's crazy right now is that the dollar keeps getting stronger *relative* to the other currencies! So the dollar is collapsing, but the other currencies are collapsing faster. Honestly mind blowing to think about. The USD may be the last one standing...and it's still in really bad shape.

You're going to see continual defaults in developing countries (like we're already seeing in Sri Lanka and Lebanon). Anyone with USD debt outside the US is going to get hammered.

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Dollar Milkshake Theory… the strongest of the weak.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

And even that strengthening of the dollar will be short-lived...as soon as central banks of other countries (ECB for example) raise their interest rates, that's gonna stop

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Yes, I honestly don't know why everyone doesn't see it, it's so obvious.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Great summary of Weimar Tetra!

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

I think it’s a bit far-fetched to see hyper inflation across the world. I rather think that the weakest currencies will go down, and that won’t be the USD. Maybe the Yen or the EUR, more probably just a bunch of weaker currencies. It probably won’t be all currencies at once, because if you sell one currency (so it depreciates) to buy another one, that currency will increase...

I also think that it’s possible that inflation will stay much higher than government interest debt rates in 1st world countries, therefore helping them to „inflationate“ away parts of their debt.

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Apr 15, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Superb. Been thinking of picking up When Money Dies. Would recommend? These next years Are going to be so rough for the masses. Any asset will be valuable imo (Websites, shares, crypto, RE etc)

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Yes, highly recommended. It was my main source for this article.

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May 23, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Damn... I've been over here worrying about "is building this ecom site even worth building?" but this was the kick in the head I needed.

Thanks Tetra.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Can you do a piece on your thoughts on ehat the metaverse impact will be on ecommerce?

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Yes that's a good topic idea

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Really interesting article

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by BowTiedTetra

Great post. Our current leadership is so incompetent nothing would surprise me. Hopefully my affiliate site can start picking up traction later this year & so I can buy more bitcorns ASAP.

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Mike Maloney's secret history of money is a must for anyone who wishes to understand to the modern monetary system and how inflation evolves into the monster of hyperinflation.

As Tetra recounted the German hyperinflation, I was able to connect the dots of why it happened and spiralled out of control. Go check the series out. It is free on YouTube. And then run and start a Wifi business asap.

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If this doesnt inspire reader to take action… nothing will. Good work.

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You are the reason I hate free subscribers.

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